Este 17 de septiembre se llevó a cabo nuestro festejo de la Independencia de México, el cual estuvo lleno de muchas sorpresas.
El grupo de 8°B trabajó arduamente realizando un mural de la iglesia de Dolores, en el desarrollo de la conspiración y el tradicional grito de Independencia acompañados por los pequeños de Preschool que posteriormente realizaron un desfile luciendo sus trajes típicos. Nada más gratificante que ver como alumnos internacionales y mexicanos portaban los colores de nuestra bandera además de los trajes típicos con orgullo.
¡La gran sorpresa! alumnos de 8° bailaron entusiasmados y con un gran precisión el jarabe tapatío. Todos los asistentes observaron emocionados este baile típico representativo de nuestro país.
Al finalizar la ceremonia llegó el turno del Mariachi para engalanar el evento, los alumnos y personal disfrutaron mucho escuchar las canciones.
Es para nosotros un gusto informarles que se acerca uno de los más grandes eventos y cambios en nuestra institución. Desde hace varios años, el colegio incorporó a la enseñanza , herramientas tecnológicas, por lo que todas las aulas son digitalizadas, contando con internet, computadora y proyector. Dando un salto aún mayor, el ciclo escolar que viene, ISQ se suma a la transformación digital en las aulas. Seremos parte de una nueva metodología de enseñanza con el respaldo de Google for Education. Nos estamos preparando para afrontar los desafíos más grandes del futuro. Un futuro de innovación y aprendizaje.
Son muchas las ventajas que se obtendrán, pero la más importante es que haremos que nuestros alumnos se conviertan en ciudadanos digitales responsables y sobre todo de manera segura. Seguiremos desarrollando estudiantes con pensamiento crítico, que solucionen problemas, que sean creativos y sobre todo colaborativos, pero ahora (con una herramienta tecnológica dentro del aula para uso del alumno) en una era digitalizada. El aprendizaje seguirá siendo centrado en el alumno, donde él se tomará el tiempo necesario para dominar cada materia. Es una metodología que se adapta a las necesidades e intereses individuales basada en una comprensión conceptual más allá del conocimiento básico.
After months of preparation, ISQ MUN II – the 2019 Model United Nations conference arrived. Over 150 delegates from more than 10 different Schools plus some independent delegates, 16 moderators, advisors, sponsors, cheerleaders, and wrestlers all contributed to what was a memorable and outstanding event.
We organized 8 very different and challenging committees. As the UN’s central body, the General Assembly discussed the political discord between Israel and Palestine.
The best delegate was 9th grade Ana-Sophia Redstone, who represented Israel. Former ISQ student Natalia Rivera claimed second place, representing Palestine. Across the garden from the GA, Security Council delegates discussed control and regulation of emerging technology, and had to respond to a drone incursion crisis in real time. Anthony Issa (10th) was the best delegate, representing Israel, and 9th grade Melissa Jimenez Garcia claimed third as the USA – her third award in as many conferences. In the Human Rights committee the topic was organ trafficking, and it was an ISQ monopoly. Amy Quevedo (10th) claimed third, having won best delegate in ISQ MUN I, Claudio Ortiz (10th) second, and Alejandra Sanchez (9th) gave a strong performance earning best delegate, and making up for bad luck in recent conferences.
The World Health Organization discussed access to medical facilities in Africa, and ISQ MUN II master of ceremonies, Arianna Snyder (10th) representing Qatar, claimed second place, and was her second award of the year. In UN Women, the topic was achieving equality by breaking the ‘glass ceiling’. Ninth grade Minori Kai claimed second position as Pakistan in a very competitive discussion. OEA, the committee in Spanish for issues in the Americas, discussed rights and protection of indigenous communities. Best delegate went to Paloma Garza in 11th grade, and second place to Abraham Fournier (10th). The ‘Marvel’ committee fought over the future of the Universe and the threat of Thanos. Various superheroes and mutants participated, but second place went to Andres Alonzo (9th), and third to Patricio Sanchez (10th), as Iron Man and Deadpool respectively. The final committee was the ‘Gods’ Council’, debating the fate of humanity. Third place went to former Kodiak Maria Rosa Trejo as the goddess Minerva. The quality of debate required strong leadership and direction. Marvel chair Mario Becerra (12th) was third, and 10th grade Rodrigo Valdivia was the second placed moderator from OEA. We must thank, of course, many people for their work on the day and behind the scenes for making this happen. These include the tireless maintenance team, the purchasing and logistical staff, the High School staff, all our sponsors, the delegates, the 16 attentive committee pages from Middle School, the Chairs and Moderators in the committees, and the families who came to support our students.
We thank the following schools and independent delegates for participating in our conference and we hope to see them back again next year: Universidad de Celaya Preparatoria, Sunhills Valley, Colegio Celta, Colegio Suizo, Colegio Fontanar, Instituto Victoria, UVM, Tec de Monterrey Qro, Colegio Alamos and Newport. Finally the Secretariat – the Kodiaks who contributed so much to the build up and for creating a culture of excellence in this activity. Their individual passion and success has helped this activity to grow and grow and put ISQ on the map as one of the very best schools participating in UN models in the state. Pablo Rostro (Event Manager), Valeria Patjane (Hospitality Manager), Ana Sofia Valdivia (Secretary for UN Committees), Samantha Zuñiga (Secretary for Special Committees), Ingrid Coronel (Secretary for Logistics), Lily Murillo (Secretary for Information), Marcela Echevarria (Secretary for Communication), David Prado and Yanina Mendoza as co-Secretary Generals. This event was a great success because of the culture of cooperation and innovation at ISQ; it demonstrates clearly what the school is capable of and the ongoing commitment to academic excellence. Preparations for ISQ MUN III are already underway, and we hope to see more of you enjoy this great experience with us in 2020.